Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer

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Online Pomodoro Timer. TomatoTimers is a customizable and easy to use looping pomodoro timer to boost your efficiency. About Pomodoro Technique. Pomodoro™ Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This technique use timer to break down works into a set of intervals separated by breaks. Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Manual There are hundreds of timer apps out there based on the Pomodoro Technique conceptualized and developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. For the uninitiated, the Pomodoro Technique aims to make you focus on work in a better way and thus, much more productive by working in 25-minute blocks.

  1. Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Download
  2. Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Instructions
  3. Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Manual
  4. Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Software

Tadam 2.0.1

Tadam is a simple Pomodoro timer that stays out of your way and lets you get the work done. When it's time for a break, a big window pops up, reminding you to take a break. You can't ignore it - you can either take a break or choose to work a little more.
  • Simple: Few buttons, few features and no configuration. The simpler the better for your productivity.
  • At your fingertips: Tadam lives in the menu bar, so its always just a click away.
  • Out of the way: Glance at the icon and you already have a sense of how much time is left.
  • You can set a hotkey to invoke Tadam from anywhere.
  • You can control it entirely from your keyboard.
  • You can set custom work and break durations any time you want.
  • And you can shrink the break window if you want to spend it at your computer.


Version 2.0.1:
  • Fixed crash when 'Send feedback' is clicked
  • After deactivating Tadam popover, previous app now gets focused
  • Cmd+M now toggles the miniature Break window

  • Title: Tadam 2.0.1
  • Developer: Radoslaw Pietruszewski
  • Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later, 64-bit processor
  • Language: English
  • Includes: Pre-K'ed
  • Size: 5.58 MB
  • View in Mac App Store


A Pomodoro timer is a simple application that keeps you focused and productiveby scheduling work and break sessions consecutively. Traditionally, you have25-minute focus sessions followed by five-minute breaks and a longer 15-minutebreak after four consecutive focus sessions.

The Pomodoro timer we'll be building in this tutorial implements the Pomodorotechnique perfectly and tells you exactly when to work and when to take a shortbreak. The basic process is as follows:

  • Start a 25-minute timer.
  • Work until the timer rings.
  • Take a short, five minutes break.
  • Every four pomodoros, take a longer break (15 minutes).

You can find a live demo of the completed applicationhere.


You need to have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS andJavaScript under your belt. Additionally, you need to haveGit,Node.js andnpm installed on your computer.

Getting started

Grab the starter files for this tutorial onGitHub. Itincludes all the markup and styles for the application we'll be building. Youcan download the zipfileand extract it on your computer, or run the command below in your terminal toclone the repository to your filesystem.

Once the repository is downloaded, cd into it in your terminal:

Next, run the following command to install the browser-sync dependency whichis used to automatically refresh the browser once a file is changed.

Finally, start the app on http://localhost:3000 using the following command:

At this point, this is what you should see in your browser:

Update the timer

The interface of the application is quite simple. At the top of the page is aprogress bar, and following that you have three buttons denoting the three modesof the application. Next, we have the countdown timer and a start buttonimmediately after.

A traditional pomodoro session is 25 minutes, and a short break lasts for fiveminutes. A long break (15 minutes) is activated after four consecutive pomodorosessions. Let's turn this information into code by creating a timer variablewith the following properties:

Tadam 2 0 – simple pomodoro timer instructions

The next thing we need to do is update the countdown with the appropriate amountof minutes and seconds once any of the three buttons above it is clicked. To dothis we need to create an event listener that detects a click on the buttons anda function to switch the mode of the timer appropriately.

Add the following lines of code just below the timer object in your main.jsfile:

Here, we use event delegation to detect a click on any of the mode buttons. ThemodeButtons variable points to the containing element and once a click isdetected on the element, the handleMode() function is invoked.

Within the handleMode() function, the value of the data-mode attribute isretrieved from the target element. If this attribute does not exist, it meansthat the target element was not one of the buttons and the function exits.Otherwise, a switchMode() function is invoked with the value of thedata-mode attribute as its only argument.

Go ahead and create the switchMode() function just above handleMode() asshown below:

The switchMode() function above adds two new properties to the timer object.First, a mode property is set to the current mode which could be pomodoro,shortBreak or longBreak. Next, a remainingTime property is set on thetimer. This is an object which contains three properties of its own:

  • total is the total number of seconds remaining. This is set to the number ofminutes of the current mode multiplied by 60. For example, if mode isshortBreak, total will be set to 300 (the result of 5 ⨉ 60).
  • minutes is the number of minutes for the mode. For example, a pomodorosession is 25 minutes.
  • seconds is always set to zero at the start of a session.

Following that, the active class is removed from all the mode buttons and seton the one that was clicked, and the background colour of the page is updated.The use of CSScustompropertiesmakes this sort of operation a lot easier.

After all that, an updateClock() function is invoked. This function is how thecountdown portion of the application is updated. Add it just above theswitchMode() function as shown below:

The updateClock() function extracts the value of the minutes and secondsproperties on the remainingTime object and pads them with zeros wherenecessary so that the number always has a width of two. For example, 8 secondswill become 08 seconds, but 12 minutes will be left as 12 minutes. Fxfactory pro 7 1 7 pro.

Next, the countdown timer is updated by changing the text content of therelevant elements. At this point, the app should work similarly to the GIF below.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Start the timer

The next step is to add the ability to start the timer and countdown to zero.Declare an interval variable below timer:

This variable will be assigned to an instance of the setInterval() method in anew startTimer() function which should be added just above updateClock():

Before we can start the timer, we need to get the exact time in the future whenthe timer will end. This is achieved by retrieving the timestamp of the currentmoment (Date.parse(new Date())) which is in milliseconds and adding the totalnumber of milliseconds in the session to it. For reference, 1 second = 1000ms.This value is then stored in the endTime variable.

The interval variable is set to the setInterval() method which executes thecallback function every 1000 milliseconds (1 second). This callback functionreferences a getRemainingTime() function which should be created abovestartTimer as follows:

The function above takes a timestamp argument and finds the difference betweenthe current time and the end time in milliseconds. This value is stored in thedifference variable and used to compute the total number of seconds left bydividing by 1000. The result is subsequently converted to an integer in base 10through the Number.parseInt() method and stored in the total variable.

The minutes variable contains the number of whole minutes left (if any) andseconds is the number of seconds left after whole minutes have been accountedfor. For example, if total is 230 seconds, minutes will equal 3 and secondswill be 50.

Finally, an object containing the values of total, minutes, and seconds isreturned from the function. This corresponds to the structure of thetimer.remainingTime object seen earlier.

Back to the startTimer() function, we can see that the return value ofgetRemainingTime() is stored in the timer.remainingTime property. Next,updateClock() is invoked which updates the countdown to the latest value.

Following that, the updated value of the total property intimer.remainingTime is extracted and checked to see if it is less than orequal to zero. If so, the clearInterval() method is called with the intervalvariable as its only argument and this causes setInterval() to be cancelledand the countdown ends.

Let's call the startTimer() function once the start button is clicked. Add thefollowing code just above the modeButtons variable:

Once the main button is clicked, the value of the data-action attribute onthe button is stored in an action variable and checked to see if it's equal to'start'. If so, the startTimer() function is invoked and the countdown begins.

We need to make a small modification to startTimer() so that the button textchanges to 'stop' and the button becomes depressed like a hardware button.

Now, once the countdown timer starts, the value of the button's data-actionattribute and its text content is changed to 'stop'. Also, the active class isadded to the button causing it to become depressed.

A final thing to do in this section is to ensure that the mode and remainingTimeproperties are set on the timer object on page load. To do so, we can executethe switchMode() property once the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.

This ensures that the default mode for the timer is pomodoro and the contentsof timer.remainingTime is set to the appropriate values for a pomodorosession. If the above snippet is not present, the program will crash with aTypeError if startTimer() is invoked because timer.remainingTimewill not exist and we're trying to access the value of the total property inthat object on the first line of the function.

At this point, you can test the app by setting the timer.pomodoro property to1 temporarily and then click the start button to start the countdown to zero.Remember to return it to 25 before moving on to the next section.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Stop the timer

The next step is to stop the timer when the stop button is clicked. This buttonis the same one used to start the timer. It's the value of the data-actionattribute on the button that allows us to determine whether to start or stop thetimer.

Add a new stopTimer() function below startTimer() as shown below:

In this function, the clearInterval() method is invoked, causing thesetInterval() method triggered in startTimer() to be cancelled so that thecountdown is paused. Next, the value of the button's data-actionattribute and its text content is changed to 'start' and it is returned to itsoriginal form by removing the active class.

To execute stopTimer() when data-action is set to 'stop', modify themainButton event listener as shown below:

Finally, we also need to stop the timer when the mode is changed by clicking anyof the three buttons above the countdown:

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Automatically start the next session

The timer needs to automatically begin a break session at the end of a pomodorosession and vice versa. Additionally, a long break should be triggered afterfour consecutive pomodoro sessions. This is what we'll tackle in this section.

First, add a new sessions property to the timer object as shown below. Thisis how we'll keep track of the number of pomodoro sessions that have beencompleted.

Next, modify the startTimer() function so that the sessions property isincremented at the start of a pomodoro session:

The highlighted line above checks if the current mode is pomodoro andincrements the timer.sessions property by 1.

The next step is to auto switch to the next session on completion of the currentone. This also involves a modification to the startTimer() function:

Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Download

Once the countdown reaches zero, the switch statement present above causes theapp to switch to a new break session or pomodoro session depending on the valueof timer.mode.

In the first case, an if statement checks if timer.sessions is divisible bytimer.longBreakInterval without a remainder and switches to long break mode ifso. Otherwise, a short break session is triggered. The default case isexecuted if a break session is ending which causes a new pomodoro session tobegin.

Finally, startTimer() is executed again causing the countdown to start againas before. If you didn't know already, it's possible to execute a function fromwithin itself we've just done.

To test this out, you can set the value of the pomodoro, shortBreak andlongBreak properties of the timer object to 1 temporarily, and observe howeach session leads to the next.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Update the progress bar

Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Instructions

In this section, we'll update the progress bar so that it reflects the progressof each countdown. The progress bar is aptly represented by the element which needs a max and a value attribute.

By default, the value attribute is set to zero indicating that no progress hasbeen made but the max attribute is left out. This attribute is essential todetermine what represents 100% completion of a task and it must be greater thanzero.

We can set the max attribute on the element in switchMode() asshown below. It's set to the total amount of seconds in the countdown.

Next, change your updateClock() function as follows:

Each time updateClock() is invoked, the value attribute of the element is updated to the result of the remaining amount of seconds subtractedfrom the total number of seconds in the session and this causes the progress barto update accordingly.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Manual

Reflect the countdown in the page title

For practical reasons, it is beneficial for the countdown and status of thetimer to be reflected in the page title. This allows the user to quickly see howmany minutes are left in a session without switching tabs.

Modify your updateClock() function as follows:

Changing the title of the page is as simple as updating the value of thedocument.title property to the desired string. The ternary operator is used tomodify the title depending on if the current mode is set to pomodoro or not.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Play sounds

Let's add some interest to our pomodoro app by playing sounds on certain events.First, we'll play a sound if the timer is started or stopped and also whentransitioning from a pomodoro to a break session (or vice versa).

We'll tackle the case of starting and stopping the timer first. The relevantaudio file in the project folder is button-sound.mp3. All we need to do iscreate a new audio object using this file, and play the sound each timemainButton is clicked. Here's how:

Let's continue by playing a sound on the transition from one session to another.In the index.html file, we have three audio elements which have a data-soundattribute corresponding to the three modes available. All we need to do isselect the appropriate one and play it during the transition.

Add the following line below the switch block in the startTimer() function:

And that's all we need to do here. Once a pomodoro session ends and a breaksession begins, a ringing sound is heard. On the other hand, a 'Get back towork' message is played when transitioning to a pomodoro session.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Display notifications

Notifications are another way we can draw a user's attention when transitioningbetween sessions. Before we can display a notification to the user, we need toask for permission first. We'll do this when the page loads. If the request isgranted, we can proceed to display notifications otherwise, we won't be able to.

Modify the document event listener as shown below:

This code will display a notice in your browser asking you to grantnotifications permission to the webpage. Ensure to grant this permission beforeproceeding. Once granted, a test notification will be displayed.

Next, add the following lines below the switch block in startTimer todisplay a notification when transitioning to a new session:

The above snippet ensures that a new notification is displayed when a newsession begins. As demonstrated earlier, the ternary operator is used to set thetext in the notification based on the current state of the timer.

Take a breather and see the complete code at the end of this step.

Tadam 2 0 – Simple Pomodoro Timer Software


You've reached the end of this tutorial. At this point, you should have afunctioning Pomodoro timer application with useful features like sound alertsand notifications. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave acomment below.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

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